This book constitutes a calendar prepared by Peter and Jennifer Clark from a transcript made by a group led by the late John Bailey, as part of the History of Boston Project. Professor Peter Clark has supplied a brief introduction. The volume covers the first thirty years of the first minute book of the Boston Assembly (the corporation), and is of interest for the economic history of an important port, a centre of puritanical activity, and the place from which some of the early Massachusetts settlers were drawn. It also throws light on local administrative conditions in East Lincolnshire, and on the relationship of the central administration with outlying provincial centres.

Volume 77 The Boston Assembly Minutes 1545-1575
Editor Peter & Jennifer Clark from a transcript by John Bailey
Date For the year ending 31st August 1986
Publication Date 1987
Size 230 x 150 mm
Language English
Publisher Published for The Lincoln Record Society Publication by the Boydell Press an imprint of Boydell & Brewer Ltd, PO Box 9, Woodbridge, Suffolk IP12 3DF and Wolfeboro, New Hampshire 03984-2069, USA
Printer Short Run Press Ltd, Exeter
ISBN 0 901503 50 9
Note On reverse of title page. This volume has been printed with the help of gifts from the late Mrs Dawson and the Lincolnshire County Council
Content Contents, 1 page
Preface, 1 page
Introduction, 10 pages
Editorial Note, 1 page
The Text, 119 pages
Index of Persons and Places, 13 pages
Index of Subjects, 5 pages
Price on dust jacket £19.50
Dust jacket blurb This book constitutes a calendar prepared by Peter and Jennifer Clark from a transcript made by a group led by the late John Bailey, as part of the History of Boston Project. Professor Peter Clark has supplied a brief introduction. The volume covers the first thirty years of the first minute book of the Boston Assembly (the corporation), and is of interest for the economic history of an important port, a centre of puritanical activity, and the place from which some of the early Massachusetts settlers were drawn. It also throws light on local administrative conditions in East Lincolnshire, and on the relationship of the central administration with outlying provincial centres.
Editor Peter & Jennifer Clark from a transcript by John Bailey
Date For the year ending 31st August 1986
Publication Date 1987
Size 230 x 150 mm
Language English
Publisher Published for The Lincoln Record Society Publication by the Boydell Press an imprint of Boydell & Brewer Ltd, PO Box 9, Woodbridge, Suffolk IP12 3DF and Wolfeboro, New Hampshire 03984-2069, USA
Printer Short Run Press Ltd, Exeter
ISBN 0 901503 50 9
Note On reverse of title page. This volume has been printed with the help of gifts from the late Mrs Dawson and the Lincolnshire County Council
Content Contents, 1 page
Preface, 1 page
Introduction, 10 pages
Editorial Note, 1 page
The Text, 119 pages
Index of Persons and Places, 13 pages
Index of Subjects, 5 pages
Price on dust jacket £19.50
Dust jacket blurb This book constitutes a calendar prepared by Peter and Jennifer Clark from a transcript made by a group led by the late John Bailey, as part of the History of Boston Project. Professor Peter Clark has supplied a brief introduction. The volume covers the first thirty years of the first minute book of the Boston Assembly (the corporation), and is of interest for the economic history of an important port, a centre of puritanical activity, and the place from which some of the early Massachusetts settlers were drawn. It also throws light on local administrative conditions in East Lincolnshire, and on the relationship of the central administration with outlying provincial centres.