‘Wonderful to Behold: this sentiment was conveyed to the Lincoln Record Society (in the appropriate telegraphic Latin form ‘Admirabile contemplatu’) by its younger colleague, the Suffolk Records Society on the occasion of the luncheon celebrating the completion of the monumental edition of the Registrum Antiquissimum in September 1973. It seems appropriate to use it again now, as the Society celebrates its Centenary with the publication of this, the one hundredth volume in the series inaugurated by its foundation in October 2010.

Jacket Illustration Design for the Seal of the Lincoln Record Society 1912
Volume 100 Wonderful to Behold: A Centenary History of The Lincoln Record Society 1910 - 2010
Editor Nicholas Bennett
Publication Date 2010
Size 235 x 155 mm
Language English
Publisher A Lincoln Record Society Publication published by the Boydell Press an imprint of Boydell & Brewer Ltd PO Box 9, Woodbridge, Suffolk, IP12 3DF and of Boydell & Brewer Inc. 668 Mt Hope Avenue, Rochester, NY 14620, USA
Website: www.boydellandbrewer.com
Printer CPI Antony Rowe, Chippenham and Eastbourne
Printed on acid-free paper
ISBN 978-0-901503-88-6
Content Contents, 1 page
List of Illustrations, 1 page
Preface, 1 page
Abbreviations, 1 page
1: The Origins of the Society, 16 pages
2: Charles Wilmer Foster and the Foundation of the Society, 9 pages
Black and white illustrations, 8 pages
3: The Early Years of the Society, 21 pages
4: The Stentons, Domesday Book and Registrum Antiquissimum, 19 pages
5: The Death of the Founder, 11 pages
6: The Impact of the Second World War, 25 pages
Black and white illustrations, 8 pages
7: Continuity and Change: The Society from 1960 to 2010, 12 pages
Appendix One: The Members of the Society, 49 pages
Appendix Two: The Publications of the Society, 71 pages
Index , 14 pages
Volume 100 Wonderful to Behold: A Centenary History of The Lincoln Record Society 1910 - 2010
Editor Nicholas Bennett
Publication Date 2010
Size 235 x 155 mm
Language English
Publisher A Lincoln Record Society Publication published by the Boydell Press an imprint of Boydell & Brewer Ltd PO Box 9, Woodbridge, Suffolk, IP12 3DF and of Boydell & Brewer Inc. 668 Mt Hope Avenue, Rochester, NY 14620, USA
Website: www.boydellandbrewer.com
Printer CPI Antony Rowe, Chippenham and Eastbourne
Printed on acid-free paper
ISBN 978-0-901503-88-6
Content Contents, 1 page
List of Illustrations, 1 page
Preface, 1 page
Abbreviations, 1 page
1: The Origins of the Society, 16 pages
2: Charles Wilmer Foster and the Foundation of the Society, 9 pages
Black and white illustrations, 8 pages
3: The Early Years of the Society, 21 pages
4: The Stentons, Domesday Book and Registrum Antiquissimum, 19 pages
5: The Death of the Founder, 11 pages
6: The Impact of the Second World War, 25 pages
Black and white illustrations, 8 pages
7: Continuity and Change: The Society from 1960 to 2010, 12 pages
Appendix One: The Members of the Society, 49 pages
Appendix Two: The Publications of the Society, 71 pages
Index , 14 pages